About Us
We are TV & Radio Advertising Specialists with great rates, expertise and customer service.
Affordable Media create cost effective TV & Radio Campaigns for businesses throughout Australia .
Creative Agencies & Marketing Companies also rely on us to buy their TV & Radio Advertising space.
We have strong relationships with all the commercial broadcasters who give us discounts off the market rate.
And often Free bonus spots
You dont have to be a seasoned advertiser to use our services.
Some of our clients have never advertised on TV or Radio before and we guide them through process.
Further down you'll see more information on how TV & Radio Advertising can work for your business.
Or if you'd like an obligation free chat about TV, Radio advertising
Call Roger Gagliardi on 0425 200 402 or use the Contact Page below.

TV Advertising
Millions of people watch TV each week. The comprehensive ratings system proves that .
However, it can be alot more cost effective compared to other media .
You can advertise on TV on relatively modest budget. And we dont mean on midnight to dawn.
The diversity of broadcast television stations and TV On Demand Channels allows choice and us to target your customers by strategically placing your ad when they are most likely to be watching.
We use our specialist skills and experience along with a highly sophisticated audience ratings to create a TV campaign for your business no matter the size big or small.
The cost of making a TV Ad is also sometimes a barrier for a smaller businesses.
We can make you a professional looking 15 or 30 second TV Ad using your footage and stills as part of our:
Special Package Deal.
Some of our clients have started out with our Package Deal which includes the actual commercial advertising space
(called spots) along with production of a 30 second TV Ad
If you already have a TV Ad let us know your budget and who you want to reach and we'll tailor a TV campaign for you.
Apart from Free to Air TV some of our clients have moved to the TV Networks' TV ON Demand Services to advertise. It's versatile and your Ad can be targeted to just run in certain postcodes.
You can even use your Social media ad on TV on Demand and Campaigns are modestly priced.
To Find out more about Free to Air and TV On Demand Advertising
Call: Roger Gagliardi on 0425 200 402 or use the contact form below

Radio Advertising
Radio is companion medium that creates a personal connection with the audience.
Our Radio Advertising Campaigns can be created and turned around relatively quickly - within days.
We also make professional low cost radio Ads
Compared to other forms of advertising, radio advertising airtime can also be cheaper.
Affordable Media creates competitively priced radio advertising campaigns Australia Wide.
In Capital City Markets and Regional markets - which includes rural advertisers .
If you'd like to explore radio advertising tell us your budget and who your target audience is and we'll identifying the radio station/s that suit your objectives - using audience research and our experience.
Affordable Media buys radio airtime at discounted rates with often Free bonus spots included on all commercial radio stations in our capital cities and regional Australia
Ideally the more repetition you ad gets the more your message is reinforced.
We run Radio Advertising Campaigns run on AM, FM, DAB, Streaming, Download - both Music & Talk Radio Stations.
The most popular ad duration is 30 seconds . But you can also run 15,45 and 60 second radio commercials.
And there are opportunities for personalised live ad reads by the on air announcer
If you'd like to find out how cost effective radio advertising is get in contact and we'll organise an obligation Free Advertising Schedule for you.
Either use our contact form below
Call: Roger Gagliardi on 0425 200 402
We're on Target for Lead Generation & Brand Awareness
Media Buying
If you are looking for a Media Buying Agency that provides Great Service and Rates - doesn't have huge fees and lock in contracts, then talk to us at Affordable Media. We don't have retainers, pay per hour fees or ask you to sign long term contracts. We work on a campaign by campaign basis. We understand that all businesses are different. So we listen to You about Your business and goals. Then we create a TV or Radio Campaign to suit your business and budget. Affordable Media can get significant discounts from media outlets and we always pass any bonus spots on to our clients.
Our Media Team can also access comprehensive Market Research. Apart from OzTam, RegTam and GFK Ratings we can also access comprehensive Qualitative and Quantitive Research From Nielsen AIS, L&J: Genesis, Roy Morgan Research Single Source and the TV Attribution Tool - Holimetrix
The Only thing we don't have is a big building with a nice reception area and that helps keep our prices down.
If you'd like to find out more about our Media Buying Services get in touch with us.
Contact Roger Gagliardi on 0425 200 402 or roger@affordablemedia.com.au
Who We Are

Sales Director
Call: 0425 200 402
Roger has been involved in the Australian television and media industry since 1981. He was responsible for setting up the Direct Sales Department at Channel 9 in Sydney. Later he went on to set up sales operations for Channel 10, as well as being actively involved in the production of TV commercials. He also worked as a Sales Executive at Triple M, Sydney. Roger's diverse sales background means he's also sold sponsorship for the America's Cup Challenge . He's created sponsor funded TV shows and consulted to large organisations including Westpac, Optus and the Australia Federal Government on their advertising needs . Roger will guide you through how we buy TV & Radio airtime and also provide you with a schedule. It will show you where your ads will be placed Roger will talk to you about audience reach and demographics so you can understand who will potentially see your ad.
Creative Director
Call: 0416 156 172
Jon has been a producer / director / writer and Executive Producer in the Australian TV Industry for over 20 years Our work. He started out at ABC TV and radio and later joined Channel Seven where he was a Senior Producer/Director on a variety of shows including top rating Prime Time TV Shows. He has also worked in Radio at 2SER, JJJ , 2SM, 2UE & 2WS Jon has also created and made sponsor funded TV Shows. He's also directed or produced TV commercials for many famous household Brands including KIA, Dyson, OMO, Telstra, Taubmans and Dr Martins, along with many more for small business and those clients just starting out with a new product to market. Jon has made just about ever type of TV commercial from 15 seconds duration through to a much longer direct response Advertorials. He not only oversees - but he is hands on with the production of your TV Commercial - from the creative implementation, to the production process, to the application to CAD - the national body that approves TV commercials for broadcast in Australia.